You probably know that without us intermediaries always imply payment for their services. But still there are tricks in all.
the advice is simple: always try to contact the contractors directly. If you can't find contacts of persons, offering services, find out their names or names. Now highly developed Internet and you need to find is not difficult.
Any cover band, at times, can be sold in 1,5-2 times cheaper only because of the lack of services dealers. This also applies to other contractors such as: rolling machine, presenters, artists, etc.
the Most expensive day, in terms of the work of contractors is Saturday.And thus prices of their work podnimayutsya 30-50% of Course if you wish to save, you need to choose another day such as Friday. The premiums approximately 20-40%
the Next day is Sunday with prices by about 15-20% above the humdrum.
Well, closes the list of labor days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. These days a lot of free contractors, and prices are sometimes below market.
For the work of our music team about half of all concerts were held outside the city.
And this is not accidental, savings in country houses stay, guest houses, hotels, restaurants and other similar establishments sometimes reaches 2 - 3 times. That is, when the cost of renting restaurant in Moscow 200 Tr in the suburbs renting institutions with similar options will cost 100 - 150 russian rubles
Agree, nice savings, despite the small distance from the city. In most cases, you get the occasion directly into nature, sometimes with additional bonuses in the form of a reservoir, a Park, various playgrounds and complexes, etc. the List is long, offers countless.
As practice shows to save love all. But often forget about the fact that Moscow is not the only place where we deal with equipment rental, performances, or organizing events and overpay for territorial availability of big money than it could save, for example, paying for transportation workers from the regions.
finding them is not difficult, just go to search servers, specifying a desired region. It is also possible to view the next or the next strobelgasse Ukraine. Their prices are much lower than in Moscow, and the quality of work not inferior to the capital.
In the regions are those who have not gone to Moscow. But in Moscow, most of them work those who came from the regions. Accordingly, you pay extra money just for the Moscow telephone number and availability to meet in person. But supplier selection is of course up to You!
typically, the search algorithm is musicians for wedding, the leading distributors of equipment, etc. is to enter a query in search and selection of proposed options on the 3rd page of search results.
What is the result you get? Those who correctly advertise themselves, and the rest? Answer: the rest are in various free directories, databases of artists and employees of cultural events.
Try them, you will definitely find what you need and the price range will be significant, will be plenty to choose from. The group OrangeVinil there is also a page in these directories.
of Course this is approximate information, since some contractors do not discount some are more significant. But in 90% of cases this information will help save you up to 50% of the budget.
the Secret of this action is simple. You choose the date of the event, then start looking for clubs with live music where are the bands. There are certainly a couple of interesting and enjoyable article. Call back, agree to rent a separate hall for your celebration to the next room was certainly a concert program and engage a live band. Then book the whole thing.
When the event date comes you calmly come in due time, to celebrate the holiday. Before the program, go to the musicians, give them 5-7 Tr and bought 40 minutes the songs you want to hear, preferably of course their repertoire. Since the group will receive money for his performance in the club kids very happy with your offer and never refuse. You will not be disappointed, but at the same time and save 30-40t.R. on the invitation of the musicians on your holiday.
In our practice there were such cases and they work! Moreover, there was a time when our fans called one school and asked the art Director to invite our team for a specific date. And indeed we were invited, the concert was very successful and memorable!
This is not the last of our secrets, follow news